Hi, I’m Asya.
I’m a writer and psychotherapist (if you were looking for me in that capacity, please visit me here) living in Brooklyn. My writing obsessions include swimming, anything to do with the ocean, eco-grief and the climate crisis, sex & sexuality, family archives, immigration, and Soviet trauma. I’ve written a researched memoir about competitive swimming, failure, and inter-generational athletic obsession.
Why & what I write
As an essayist, poet, and storyteller, I’m deeply interested in narratives of embodied experience that explore what it means to live in a queer, athletic, female, sexual, aging, aching body. As a former nationally-ranked competitive swimmer, I’m drawn to tell stories about what Kathy Acker, in her brilliant essay on bodybuilding, calls the language of the body, the way we speak and make meaning about and through the ways we move. I have lived some of the most intense experiences of my life in sports, yet lacked a language with which to make sense of the pain, heartbreak, and euphoria of athletic practice. Wishing for narratives I didn’t have as a swimmer girl, I’m committed to telling stories about intense corporeal experiences such as sports, sex, pain, illness, death, and grief.