

“Sometimes it’s when the ocean is least full of life that it feels most enlivening, and reminds me that on a rapidly warming planet, the cold holds the promise of life.”

Journal of Training and Competition (Gulf Stream, Issue 35)

“Running, then writing about it—this is how my grandfather recorded his life. I will get no more intimate a glimpse into who he was than this thin Soviet composition book, seventeen entries, one for each marathon he ran from 1975 through 1991.”

Home for Desire (Queer Love Project), included in Memoir Land’s Memoir Monday

“It occurs to me that I’m like Persephone, splitting my life between a lecherous uncle-husband and his dark kingdom of boy socks and cat hair, and a bereaved mother who gives life and wheat and writes a sci-fi novel as she waits.”

Island, Romance (Underwater New York, Governors Island Issue)

“From Governors Island, I’ll carry always on my body the sea lice scars, the vertigo of the open bay, the terror under the gantry cranes, a queasy longing for the container ships, and the taste of mint, mud, and diesel.”

Harmony Fire (Ilanot Review, Crisis Issue)

“When the Santa Ana winds blew in, the pressure rose and the clouds retreated. No more marine layer. No more buffer of clouds and fog to swaddle us and keep the cold out. Nothing for miles was wet, save our skins and our blue rectangle.”

"Refractions: Fire on Water" by andryn2006 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

The Rescue (Underwater New York, Hudson Issue)

“Even though we’d noticed the man’s careful undressing some way down the pier, neither of us thought to interrupt the halfhearted argument we were having until several beats after he jumped.”

“Nabokov, we agreed, would’ve shared our crush on Maria Schneider’s character of the peripatetic Girl, having mastered, like her, like you, the art of turning homelessness into inspired emigration, an extended expedition for rare butterflies.”

Profession: Passenger (Santa Fe Literary Review)